This page last updated Wednesday 10th July 2024
Breathe Easy Program 8th Ed. Last updated 10 July 2024
In 2000, I Developed An Ectopic Heartbeat... ... But I Worked Out How To Beat It
Let Me Show You How...
If you think this program sounds too good to be true, pleaseemail me with your questions or comments...

You're reading this page because you, or someone you know, has some kind of ectopic beats and you're looking for an answer.
There is a lot of information out there on the Internet about ectopics and how to get rid of them. Some of it helpful, some of it not so much. Hopefully, by the time you have read through this web page, you will know that this is the answer to your ectopics that you have been looking for.
Or Skip Forward To Purchase Your Copy of the Breathe Easy Program Now
My Story
The Start Of My Ectopic Heartbeat
My story has similarities to other people's who I've had the opportunity to chat with by email. There may be similarities to your own story.

A number of years ago, I developed an ectopic heartbeat out of the blue. I distinctly remember how it happened. I was playing my first game of indoor soccer after a three-year break and I ran around like I had never been away. During the second half, I began to wheeze like an asthmatic as I gasped for breath. That was the first warning sign...
After the game, I was sitting on the bench catching my breath with my team mates when I felt a thud in my chest along with a 'dragging' feeling in my neck.
That immediately got my attention. I stopped talking, and wide-eyed, I put my fingers to my neck to feel my pulse and just sat there scared out of my wits, trying to feel what was happening. I didn't know if this was the start of a heart attack, not having had one before, or something else. I was feeling thump after thump in my chest, which terrified me because I didn't know what on earth was going on. That was the start of my ectopics.
After visiting my doctor, he referred me to a local cardiologist who did all the usual things and had me wear a Holter monitor for 24 hours. When I got the results of this and of an electrocardiogram (ECG) trace back. I was told that I had a ventricular ectopic heartbeat.
My cardiologist seemed to be very blasé and uniniterested about the whole situation. He told me that an ectopic heartbeat was an inefficient heartbeat followed by a normal beat. I was also told that it wouldn't kill me and not to worry about it. Not to worry about it!? That was the single most useless piece of advice I had ever been given as it was all I could think about and I was constantly worried about what was going on for me.
I wasn't offered a beta blocker of any kind thank goodness, and I ended up just walking away with my tail between my legs.
Most every time after that when I ran or exercised, thought about a stressful situation, was anxious or seemingly ate the wrong foods, I would get another attack of ectopics. It seemed they were here to stay and I started to feel defeated.
All I could think was why do I have an ectopic heartbeat? I didn't think of myself as a person who was at risk of a heart condition as I was otherwise healthy and fit.
I have since learnt that there are varying degrees of ectopics. Some people have them and don't know it and only find out when they are checked out for something else. At the other end of the spectrum are the full-blown, heart-banging-against-the-ribs-type ectopics that I had that were scaring the living daylights out of me.
Find out more background information about ectopic heartbeat
Facing My Ectopics All By Myself

The worst part about getting this diagnosis wasn't that I was just left by the medical wayside. It was that I lost support from those around me.
Before the cardiologist's diagnosis, I had a 'heart problem' with lots of help, encouragement and support from family members. Once I had the diagnosis handed down, in everyone's eyes, I now had a clean bill of health, but I still suffered from the ectopics that were scaring the living daylights out of me. Support from family and friends gradually dwindled and I was left on my own.
I used to lie awake in bed at night because feeling my ectopics would stop me sleeping. I avoided lying on my side because I could feel my hearbeat in my ears and I would end up listening for the missed beats, which casued me extra stress. I used to worry that these ectopics would be with me forever and maybe they would continue to get worse.
Again, I couldn't understand why it was happening to me. I thought that I was fit and healthy. Surely this kind of thing only happened to people with bad hearts.
I didn't fit into my imagined profile of what a likely candidate would be. I was heading for a bad place and I couldn't handle life as it was. It was really getting me down.
I stopped doing a lot of things that I enjoyed for fear that they would bring on another episode. I was making decisions based on what could happen to my heart rather than what I loved to do.
I Was Desperate
To Find An Answer To My Ectopic Beats
They say that necessity is the mother of invention. That's not the half of it! I tried some pretty weird and wonderful things in my attempt to rid myself of this problem as I bet that you have too.

I trawled all of the heart-related forums that I could find on the Internet. Whilst I didn't find a cure there, I did find a lot of people in a similar situation to me. Some were quite accepting of their lot in life but some were desperate and their stories were heartbreaking.
In these forums I found many different ways that people had found to at least lessen their symptoms, and over a period of some months, I tried the lot. From stopping drinking caffeine and alcohol to supplementing calcium, magnesium and/or herbal supplements, from meditating to squeezing the chest during an attack.
Some of these seemed to work for a while. Some had absolutely no effect whatsoever. This was just a dead end for me and I felt lost and hopeless....
I Used My Training In Health Science
To Begin Researching The Problem
I have a background in health science and research and at the time of the first attacks, I was in training to be a natural therapist. Consequently I was brushing up on my anatomy & physiology and with the contacts I was making, I had a lot of different resources to call upon.
I found myself analyzing what was going on in my body and testing my theories against actual effects on my heart rhythm.

In the case of indoor soccer, I had the symptoms when I was still breathing heavily but not running hard any more. In the case of the attacks during bouts of anxiety and stress, adrenalin had kicked in and had increased my breathing and heart rate.
The common theme was that my lungs and heart were working hard but my body was not. I was experiencing 'disordered breathing'.
Following on from this realization, I further explored the effect of breathing rate and technique on my body.
How I Managed To Switch My
Ectopic Heartbeat On And Off at will
Amazingly, I found that most of the time I could turn the ectopic heartbeat on and off for short durations, depending upon how I breathed! Now I was getting somewhere.

This started me searching out information in libraries, bookshops, the Internet and my colleagues to further develop my ideas. I must admit that information was initially scarce and patchy but over time, I found lots of scientific information to read through and make sense of.
What I also found through my research was that there were other health problems that could be helped by correct breathing techniques such as Asthma, Emphysema, Sleep Apnea, Snoring, Hypertension, and Angina among others.
I took what I had found and married it to already proven breathing techniques. I then applied it to myself in the form of a breathing exercise regime.
Again, this worked, maybe for a day or so, but it wasn't the whole answer but I knew that I was on the right track. Frustratingly, there was still something missing.
The Missing Puzzle Piece That
Finally Eliminated My Ectopic Heartbeat!

Another six months or so later of searching, research and trial & error, I had the missing piece of the jigsaw puzzle. Success!! I was able to finally eliminate the ectopic heartbeat I had and I can truthfully say that I haven't missed a beat since (pardon the pun).
Since those early days, I have taken all of this information and distilled it down into the Breathe Easy Program so that I could help other people overcome their ectopic heartbeats too. This is what you can get from this website.
Not only will it work for ectopic heartbeat caused by disordered breathing, but it will also work for all other stress, diet and environment induced heart irregularities.
It has worked for me. It has worked for hundreds of other people too and so I know that it can work for you. I have also helped numerous people in my private clinics previously in Melbourne and now in Hervey Bay and I know that it has so far been 100% effective in that setting. I have now been selling it as a download for more than 15 years to sufferers all around the world, who can't visit me in the clinic - with amazing success.
Now in it's eighth edition, updated in January 2024 with a brand new section on the amazing benefits of Omega-3 oils and an expanded section on exercise and fitness training for people who suffer with ectopics.
This program works on treating the cause of these heart-related problems naturally, not by masking the symptoms with drugs.
How Can Breathing Exercises
Help With Your Ectopic Heartbeat?

So here's a bit of a leap of faith. How does disordered breathing cause ectopics? When you get down to the nuts & bolts of the physiology of breathing, it's relatively easy to see how it happens.
Once you enter a state of disordered breathing, the mix of blood gas ratios in the lungs changes. This is because the ratios in your lungs are vastly different to the ratios of those same gases in the air you breathe. This causes a cascade of changes that affects your blood chemistry and brings on compensatory events as your body tries to maintain homeostasis. Homeostasis is where your body tries to keep different things like blood pH within a tight range.
The organ mainly involved in homeostasis in people with disordered breathing are the lungs. This is very simplified and is an enormous amount of physiology distilled down to one paragraph. It is explained more fully in the Breathe Easy Program.
Once I distilled down all of this information, I discovered how to get my lungs and blood balanced again and I was eventually able to stop the ectopics that had been plaguing my life. I have since been able to extract the other key factors in the technique that I had initially brought together and I have put these into my Breathe Easy Program so that I could help others such as yourself.
In a nutshell, I no longer have ectopics, or if I do, I don't know that they're there. And now I want to give you this same power to stop living in fear, get your irregular heartbeat under control, and do it all without resorting to drugs.
The program also works for people with anxiety, burnout, with breathlessness and with high blood pressure. Pregnant women and those entering menopause can also develop PVC's as all of these can be triggers for ectopic heartbeats.
What's In This Ectopic Heartbeat Program?

This program is packed with everything you need to know about how your body works, how ectopics develop and how to get rid of them naturally, in 118 pages.
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How Can This Program Help You? Provides a brief overview of the information laid out in the program and how you can get the best out of it. |
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How Your Body Works This section gives you information about how your body works and how ectopics develop due to disordered breathing patterns. |
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Current Health Assessment. This takes a snapshot of where you are right now. Then you can compare day by day and see your overall improvement on the supplied Progress Chart. |
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Stage One Breathing Exercise. This is the first step on your road back to a normal life again. |
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Dietary Recommendations. Many people are affected by different foods. By following the guidelines in this section, you can accelerate your improvements by identifying and avoiding specific food groups that irritate you. |
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Role of Carbon Dioxide In The Body. Tells you the little-known facts of how vital carbon dioxide is to your body. |
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Stage Two Breathing Exercise. This is the powerhouse of the program. It brings your body back to optimum balance and eliminates ectopics. |
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Causes of Disordered Breathing. Knowing the causes of poor breathing habits is powerful information to help keep you free of symptoms for life. |
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Stress Control. Stress is a big contributing factor to heart irregularities. This section describes in detail how to beat stress, even at work. |
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Better Breathing Habits. The final part of the program brings it all together and teaches you anatomically correct breathing techniques. |
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New Section on Omega-3 Oils. Painstakingly researched information to show you how they can benefit you in so many ways, what you need, what you need to avoid and how to get hold of the best oil on the market today. |
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Expanded Section on Exercise and Fitness Training. Guides you through the do's and don't's of fitness training when you suffer with ectopics and how you can avoid ectopics after training. |
There are sections covering dietary and lifestyle advice, both of which are important components to the program and go hand in hand with the breathing exercises for full effect.
This program has worked for me. It's worked for hundreds of other people too and so I know that it can work for you. I have also helped numerous people in my private clinics previously in Melbourne and now in Hervey Bay and I know that it's so far been 100% effective in that setting.
I've now been selling this program as a download for more than 15 years to sufferers around Australia and to many people in countries worldwide who can't personally visit me in the clinic - with amazing success.
When I tell people in my clinic that there are breathing exercises, I sometimes see a look of trepidation in their eyes because they think that they will be difficult to do or require great effort. Neither is true. The exercises are actually quite easy to perform and the most difficult part of the process for some people is finding time in their day to do them.
Initially, this will be about 30 mins morning & night, but as you get used to doing them and knowing what to look for, the exercises can be done at most any time that you're relaxed.
What Can You Get Out Of This Program?
You will be amazed at how easy it is to free yourself of the burden of ectopic symptoms and daily medications. The effects of the Breathe Easy Program far-reaching and can improve not only your ability to breathe freely but also the overall quality of your life. At the end of this program you should be able to:
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Eliminate arrhythmia symptoms. with the need for beta blockers reducing in line with your improvement. Not only will you feel more confident about your lack of symptoms, you will also remove any detrimental side effects from your current medications. |
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Reduce symptoms of anxiety. Feel lighter and less burdened by life. See the light at the end of the tunnel. |
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Normalise your pulse and blood pressure. Many people suffering from irregular heartbeat also suffer from hypertension. Reducing your blood pressure also reduces your risk of heart disease. |
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Ease your tight chest and breathlessness. Once you start breathing freely, you will wonder how you ever managed before. |
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Finally stop worrying about what you eat and drink. Many symptoms are triggered by caffeine, alcohol or even overeating. Stop being a slave to your diet. |
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Bring new hope and light into your life. Finally feel free to get on with your life. No worries! |
Get Your Copy of The Breathe Easy Program
And Start Overcoming Your Ectopic Beats Today

For a small investment, you can be free of your symptoms for life. What is that worth to you? To stop worrying about what you do, to stop worrying about what you eat, in case it triggers another bout of ectopics. To stop having the constant thought of ectopics in the back of your mind. To stop avoiding life.
If you are suffering from the worry and torment of an Irregular Heartbeat, you can order it now from the link below and start getting your life back on track. The Breathe Easy Program is in PDF format so that it can be read on almost any device from computer to tablet.
In my clinic, I see people a minimum of three times at $75 per visit. Sometimes people need more, depending upon their individual circumstance. You can buy this program today, for less than the cost of one treatment in my clinic here in Hervey Bay, Queensland, Australia. You pay only $67 (Australian Dollars). That's it. Nothing more. There are no add-ons, no supplements to buy, no extra gizmos. All that you need to become free of your ectopics is included in this program.
You can order and download the Breathe Easy Program by clicking on the Secure "Add to Cart" link below and you can be starting this program within minutes of receiving it. Your personal credit card information is 100% safe and secure through a PayPal secure transaction and you will get instant access to a PDF copy of this program. Just click on the link at the bottom of the payment confirmation screen "View Purchase Online", then on "Download" on the next screen. It's that easy. br> You don't even need to have a PayPal account to use their payment gateway.
My Assurance To You

This is an active website hosted by myself and I know what it's like to be in your shoes and I care about you and your problem. I have suffered with an Ectopic Heartbeat and I know how scary it can be. I also know how sceptical we can all get about supposed cures or promises that you see on the Internet. I can offer you the assurance that I am a real-life natural therapies business here in Hervey Bay. You can find (stalk) me using Google or Google Maps.
I fixed my ectopic heartbeat many years ago and to this day, I still am free of the symptoms. I live a 'normal' life. I don't watch what I eat or what I do for fear of getting a missed heartbeat but I do know when I start slipping back - I start snoring (so I am told :-) ) and I wake up breathing heavily. At these times, all I do is start the Stage 2 breathing exercises and I am back on the straight and narrow. Simple.
Try the program. When it works for you, you will get your life back. I really think that even after completing the first module you will start feeling more confident and empowered and those missed heartbeats will begin to be a thing of the past.
For extra confidence, you can upgrade your order to include 3 months of Email support. If, during this time, you have any questions about any aspect of the program, you can send me an Email and I usually reply within one working day.
Testimonials Written by Real People
Who Got Rid of Their Ectopic Heartbeats
Or skip forward to purchase your copy of the Breathe Easy Program
Nick got his life back in less than 3 weeks...
"Hey Stewart, Further to my previous note, I write with an update.. My breathing exercises have improved greatly. I've been observing my ectopics and this is where it gets good. I had my first symptom free day in over six years yesterday. I write this email with a sense of overwhelming gratitude. You gave me hope and now you've given me my life back in less than three weeks. I've enlisted the support of a breathing pattern disorder physio because it looks like my entire rib cage is out of shape from bad breathing, but you got me where I needed to be. This was the best few bucks I've ever spent, and you have hero status in my house. You can quote me on any of the above. Thank you again." Nick P |
Deborah is living life once again without ectopics...
"Hi Stewart, Before I started the programme I used to have rapid heartbeat and ectopic runs frequently. I went to hospital A&E 3 times over about a 5 year period. I consulted a cardiologist privately who put me on a 48hr monitor and confirmed that I was having ectopics (PVC's). He also did a scan of my heart and found it to be structurally healthy and advised increasing my Propranolol (beta-blocker) when the heartbeat was playing up. He advised it would probably get worse as I approached the menopause...hmm something to look forward to then!! It affected me in various ways. If I was tired it would happen, if I'd had some busy days, even if I laughed too much (which I thought bizarre). Over the course of some years I stopped drinking alcohol (I only ever drank the odd glass anyway) and taking anything with caffeine in it (even though I love coffee) and I'd started to take the medication out with me in each of my bags whenever I went out. I'd be worried when we would go away that I'd have a bad episode and even though I could exercise ok, the ectopics would happen then also. Whilst I was happy and relieved that nothing was essentially wrong with my heart, it didn't make the symptoms go away and I was unhappy about having to increase the medication. It was at this point when the ectopics were getting quite intrusive on a daily basis that I decided I wasn't just going to keep accepting it and started to investigate ways in which I may be able to deal with it and that is when I came across your Breath Easy Programme. At first the relaxing component for 20 min a day was VERY difficult … without thinking of the usual day to day issues. I still don't find it as easy as I know some do although much, much easier than when I started. Twice whilst doing the relaxation I have had the most fantastic feeling of just floating and feeling completely serene, hopefully after a time I shall feel that more and more. The programme is fantastic....I wouldn't have believed that most of the problems I had were all to do with how I was breathing but it's proven to be true (I now moan at everyone about their breathing) . I hardly ever have ectopic beatss now and if I do its one odd one not a whole run for 30 min +. I definitely have more energy and am much less tired and even if I am tired it's not the feeling of exhaustion that I used to have before the course. My husband thinks it's been incredible as well that I've had this for years alongside tests and tablets and nothing has worked until now. To conclude I would advise anybody with any of the problems I've had to download this course." Deborah Buckingham |
Marie overcame her ectopic heartbeats using the Breathe Easy Program...
"I have had an ectopic heart beat problem for 9 years. Initially, I chose to live with it as it didn't cause me too much bother and a cardiologist I was referred to assured me it was benign. In 2017 it got worse with shortness of breath and lightheadedness that I hadn't experienced before. I visited the cardiologist again and had all the normal tests including a 24 hour Holter monitor test which recorded on average 1 ectopic beat in every 4 heartbeats, which he said was quite bad. He was suggesting medication, but I wanted to leave it for a bit to see if it would improve by itself. I began looking on the Internet for information on the problem and came across the Breathe Easy Programme. It rang so true with me, I couldn't believe it. I felt I had nothing to lose by purchasing it, as it wasn't very expensive. Using the programme I have reduced my ectopic beats enormously, and am sure I could eliminate them all together if I took the time to follow it more religiously. It no longer dominates my life. It was so helpful to learn the triggers that make the ectopic beats worse. For me, the tips on stress and smoking has made a big difference, and I have been able to identify certain foods that I should avoid. I have followed the guidelines for nighttime sleep every night since I received the programme, and it has worked so well. Stewart, I can't thank you enough for giving me back my good health! Many thanks," Marie McCoy |
Charmaine was so grateful that she found the Breathe Easy Program...
"It is with immense relief and a grateful heart (quite literally) that I sit and write this testimonial. I did not think I'd ever be in control and finally free of my dreaded ectopics, until I found your Breathe Easy Program. Although tests proved the ectopics were benign I was caught in the throes of worrying about them and of course the more I worried the more they came on with full force. Being told to "stop worrying and learn to live with it" was the only solution my doctor had to offer. Meanwhile living in constant fear of having to experience the shocking spasms, thuds and bangs followed by dizziness that nearly had me passing out, had me at wits end. Daily attacks and sleepless nights left me exhausted. The terrifying ectopics had taken over my life. One evening after a particularly bad attack and desperately searching the internet for some answers, I came upon your website offering the Breathe Easy Program. I read how successful it was in helping others and wondered could I possibly be helped too?? The more I read on the more I dared to hope.... It felt like the proverbial "light at the end of the tunnel".... I knew I had to purchase it immediately, and without a doubt I have to say it was the best decision I ever made. It has been a few weeks now and after mastering the daily breathing exercises I am utterly amazed to find it really does work! The ectopics have all but disappeared! There are no words to explain the utter joy and relief of finally being in control and feeling well again. I cannot thank you enough for being inspired to write this Program, it has been a true blessing to both me and my family." May God Bless you. |
Tania had a great result using the program to eliinate her ectopic beats...
"I had suffered with ectopic heartbeats for about 2 years and they occurred more or less all day, every day, particularly after eating, bending or lying down, or when I was tired (which was often as I suffered with Chronic Fatigue). I was in so much distress with the fluttering in my chest, throbbing in my stomach, up my neck and a pressure up to my head. I was left feeling very dizzy, breathless, faint and often sick. So as you can imagine my life was unbearable, I never went out, I couldn’t work and after examination, the doctors basically said there was no help, it wasn’t life threatening and I had to live with it. I had tried Propanalol (beta-blockers) taking the highest dose 4 times a day and they did not help in any way. I can’t thank Stewart enough for creating ‘The Breathe Easy Program’, I will be eternally grateful for how it has changed my life. I now hardly ever experience the ectopics and when I do I can guarantee it is because I haven’t been breathing properly. The changes didn’t happen over night but I can definitely say that after the first week of following the program I could notice a significant difference. Thank you once again Stewart for giving me my life back!" Tania Ferries, UK, 29 May 2022 |
See how Chris from Ireland reduced his ectopic beats....
On the 8th of Jan 2019, fed up with worsening ectopic heartbeats and the wait and see approach of the medical profession who offered me drugs or surgery, I started on The Breathe Easy Program (BEP). It took some time to get the Breathing Exercises right but I persisted. Now, just over 4 months on I feel I have my life back to something very close to normality. Before the BEP, walking uphill, standing up too quickly, eating late and lying down could set off an incident. Even small amounts of alcohol definitely would. Now I can tolerate moderate alcohol, a couple of glasses of wine or 3 or 4 beers. However, I not yet entirely incident free. One Saturday night recently, having eaten and drank late I was ectopic the following morning. But even this was a much milder episode than previously would have been the case. I do the RBE at least three times and will continue to as the benefits are great and I no longer live in dread.Regards, |
skip forward to purchase your copy of the Breathe Easy Program
See how Patrick overcame his ectopic symptoms....
"Hi Stewart, Your course gave me hope also which helped a lot as I felt I was in control and doing something about it." Best Regards |
Kerrin had a great result with Bowen Therapy and the breathing program
"Dear Stewart, I had no idea how powerful your treatment would be. With your expertise in reading my body's needs I felt my muscles release and relax and the tension fall away. After treatment I had my first full night's sleep. The tightness in my back and neck had released and I felt better within myself. Thank you. I am extremely grateful." Yours faithfully |
Cheryl thought herself lucky she found the BreatheEasy site.
Hi Stewart, When I first started the programme I was desperate - The ectopic heartbeats were sending me crazy. I had spent hours on the net researching everything from the food you ate, to the drinks, medications - I tried everything. Lucky for me the breatheeasy site came up and the rest is history. I could not believe what I was was exactly me, same story, same symptoms. So I thought, nothing to lose, give it a try. After the exercises my life returned to normal and now it feels so good. I now know the symptoms of stress and how to alleviate the problem. Finally Stewart, thankyou for giving me my life back. To anyone reading this ...give it a go works .....You have nothing to lose ...lots to gain Thanks Stewart ............ Cheryl ...Vic, 5 June 2020 |
Share Leanne's excitement in spending Christmas 2019 (almost) ectopic-free....
"Hi Stewart I just wanted to send you a quick note to let you know that,even though I am only a few days into the program, already my ectopic beats have settled. I am absolutely ecstatic that this is working! Fingers crossed that with more breathing it will completely subside. Honestly, I am truly amazed at how quickly this is working.. Just when I thought I was stuck with this horrible feeling in my throat and chest day in day out, it has settled to a point where I have only felt several a day.. Amazing!!! Thank you for giving me back a little piece of me! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas (I did!) Leanne Versteeg, Age 30, Prestons, NSW, 29 Dec 2019 |
Order Here To Start Your New Ectopic-Free Life.
For a small investment, you can be free of your symptoms for life. If you are suffering from the worry and torment of an Irregular Heartbeat don't hesitate. Order now from the link below and start getting your life back on track.
The Breathe Easy Program gives you:
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Eliminate arrhythmia symptoms. with the need for beta blockers reducing in line with your improvement. Not only will you feel more confident about your lack of symptoms, you will also remove any detrimental side effects from your current medications. |
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118 Pages Packed with information and exercises that have taken years to research, test and compile. |
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The scientific basis of the program, laid out in as much detail as you can handle! |
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The peace of mind knowing that there are no additional costs in prescription drugs, supplements or herbal complexes after buying the program. |
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The promise of savings to be made on visits to specialists and on drugs that will no longer be needed. |
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The power for you to take back control of your own life. You can have the freedom to eat what you like and do what you like without worrying about another bout of ectopics. |
Online payments are made through the PayPal website and are verified by Verisign for your peace of mind. Payments made are Secure with 128 bit data encryption for the highest commercially available protection.
You don't need a PayPal account to make this purchase...
Order Your Copy Of The Breathe Easy Program Here
The Breathe Easy Program is available as a downloadable PDF file. Choose from the options below. Pricing is in Australian Dollars.
If you are the kind of person that likes to ask questions or would prefer to have someone walking with you through the program, then I recommend that you take up the email support option. This gives you 3 months in which to ask questions about any aspect of the program as you are progressing through it and to get valuable support and encouragement. If you feel you need some face-to-face help, please contact me and we can set up a mutual time for a paid video call.
You can order and download the Breathe Easy Program by clicking on the Secure "Add to Cart" link below and you can be starting this program within minutes of receiving it. Your personal credit card information is 100% safe and secure through a PayPal secure transaction and you will get instant access to a PDF copy this program. Just click on the link at the bottom of the payment confirmation email "View Purchase Online", then on "Download" on the next screen. Your program can then be found in your downloads folder (on PC).
You don't need to have a PayPal account to use their payment gateway.
The Breathe Easy Program 8th Ed. 2024 |
Digital Download in PDF Format | Add To Cart |
Support Option (You can purchase at the time of buying the program or at a later date) |
Upgrade to 3 Months Email Support | Add to cart |
Treatment in my clinic in Hervey Bay |
Learn about the program and practice the breathing exercises with me. The cost of the initial appointment includes a copy of the Breathe Easy Program. | Book online from the options on the br>Home Page. Click on the Breathe Easy Program link. |
View your cart (To complete your purchase) |
PDF reading software is required to open the PDF document. In the unlikely event that you don't have this, you can download the FREE Acrobat Reader from this link | ![]() |
P.S. The Breathe Easy program details everything that you need to know to overcome your ectopic heartbeat and other types of arrhythmia and I am confident that your life will be back to normal before you know it! With knowledge comes the power to change.
P.P.S. Where else can you get your hands on such specific and well-researched information for such a low cost?
P.P.P.S. Don't waste your precious time - remember it took me a number of years of struggling with my ectopic heartbeat to work out this information, and I am thankful for every day of my life that I have claimed back since.
Maybe you think that this program is for you but are nervous about buying from someone you have never met? No problems - As I have said, email me with your comments or questions. I will be happy to discuss them with you, just send me a message.

You can even email me just to share your story. Just doing this can be liberating because you know you aren't on your own.
Important Note: Even though I am not aware of any cases where this program can be harmful, If you have an underlying history of heart disease then your irregular heartbeat may be a symptom of something outside the scope of this program. You must have already consulted your local doctor and/or heart specialist and be satisfied that your condition is not life-threatening and that breathing exercises will not prejudice your current condition before attempting the breathing exercises contained in this program. If your palpitations are accompanied by fainting, lightheadedness or chest pain, you should seek urgent medical help.