Distance Healing with Bowen Therapy
Even when working at a distance, you can get benefit from many chronic and acute health problems
Do you live in a remote area or in a town with only a few therapists to choose from? Maybe you have tried your local natural health practitioners and are not satisfied with the outcome. The time is right to look into distance healing.
Distant or Absent Healing is a way of sending healing energy to a person who, for whatever reason, cannot attend a healing session in person or maybe they want to explore other healing options to those available to them locally. The healing energy is therefore ‘sent’ to that person, no matter where they are in the world in relation to the healer.
It is an established healing method and can be as effective as an in-person healing session. The energy is sent to the client by the healer, who will focus on the client and connect with their energy through the power of intention.
My First Success
![Distance healing at an archery competition Remote injuries may be helped with Distance Bowen Treatments](images/bowen-therapy-distance-healing.jpg)
My first and successful Distance Bowen Treatment was with a younger family member, not that long after I learned Bowen Therapy. He was away in central New South Wales competing in an archery competition. On the evening before the shoot, he was larking around with some of the other competitors and injured his leg when he fell into a ditch and couldn't stand properly afterwards. He rang me in a panic, wanting to know what he could do about it. Being aover 100km away, there was nothing that I thought I could do. Afterwards I decided to perform a Distance Bowen session for him, unsure of what would happen. I called him the next morning with great anticipation and he said that he thought that it had come good by itself and he was OK to compete. Little did he know at the time that I had helped him with Remote Bowen Therapy.
My next success came from treating my young nephew in the UK. My sister called saying that he was suffering with an acute bout of hayfever. I asked her if she wanted me to give him a Remote Bowen treatment and whilst she was sceptical, she agreed. The next day I spoke to her and found that his symptoms of red eyes & runny nose had reduced greatly over the course of the day over there. She was so pleased with the outcome. For me, I was just pleased that I could help without being there in person. It's nice to be able to help from half a world away.
Two successful treatments could be considered a coincidence, but having performed many more since, I know in my heart that this works, and works well.
About Me
I am a fully qualified Bowen Therapist living in Hervey Bay in Queensland Australia, and I am here to help you. I have been doing distance healing for many years with great success but mainly on family, friends and on some of my own clients when I or they have been away. I've been told many times by my clients that I should offer this service to others who need it, and so here I am.
How does it work?
In situations where I know the person that I am working with, I just have to picture them and work through the moves in my mind; virtually feeling their body under my fingers as I perform the Bowen moves. When I am working with clients I don't know personally, I ask them to send me a picture of themselves along with details of their ailment so I can then connect with them and their energy to effect their healing.
![Distance Bowen treatment Assessing posture](images/distance-healing-treatment-plan.jpg)
What I need to start any distance session is a full length frontal picture of you dressed in close-fitting clothes so that I can assess your posture. This, along with a completed form that I will send to you that will describe the problem and how it is affecting you will tell me what actions cause you pain or discomfort and when the problem is at its worst. Copies of scan reports are useful too. These can be ultrasound, X-ray, MRI or CT scans for example. In this way, I can better focus your treatment on the areas the will help you the most. I will be treating you at a distance in the same way that I treat people in my clinic. With professionalism, integrity and respect. And just like in my clinic setting, I will keep notes on you, your issues and treatments that I have performed. These are kept private and confidential at all times.
The information you send will give me an idea of where your problem is coming from so that I can formulate a treatment plan for you. This may consist of one or more Bowen sessions a week apart depending upon what is going on for you. Most issues, even some long-standing problems, can be overcome with between two and four sessions. There are some issues that may require more sessions, but this will be discussed with you before your individualised treatment begins.
I will inform you once the healing had been done. Once I have given you the treatment, it can take up to five days for the full effects to be felt, although some people notice an improvement almost straight away. With Bowen Therapy, your symptoms may get worse before they get better. This is the exception rather than the rule, but it may happen, most ususally after the first session. I will supply you with after-care guidelines to help reinforce the Bowen treatment and aid in your healing journey.
Contact Stewart Today to see how he can help you.
Find out more about Bowen Therapy.
Stewart also runs a very successful course to help you get rid of ectopic heartbeats. Check it out now.